vineri, 29 august 2014

BIOTICA GEF seminar de totalizare 28.08.2014

Proiectul „Formarea Rețelei Ecologice Naționale – contribuție la nivel local și național” 

  Rezultatele implementării proiectului

Incinta Consiliului raional Ştefan Vodă, 28 august 2014

09.00 – 9.15
Înregistrarea participanţilor, distribuirea materialelor
9.15 - 9.30
Deschiderea seminarului
Dl Vasile BUZU, Preşedintele raionului Ştefan Vodă,
Dl Alexei ANDREEV, Preşedintele Societăţii Ecologice “BIOTICA”.
9.30 - 9.45
Reţeaua Ecologică Naţională, importanţa, planificarea şi conexiunea cu Zona umedă Ramsar „Nistrul de Jos”.
Dl Alexei ANDREEV, Preşedintele Societăţii Ecologice “BIOTICA”.
9.45 – 10.00
Prezentarea realizărilor proiectului: starea lucrurilor la etapa actuală; Prezentarea publicaţiei „Nistrul de Jos” Valori şi Pericole.
Dl Gabriel Mărgineanu, Consultant, Societatea Ecologică “BIOTICA”
10.00 – 10.10
Întrebări şi discuţii
10.10 – 10.20
Pauza de cafea
10.20 – 10.35
Prezentare succintă a cadrului normativ din domeniul mediului importante pentru APL. Procesul de conlucrare.
Dl Nicolae NĂSTASE, șef adjunct Inspecția Ecologică Ștefan Vodă
10.35 – 11.00
Rezultatele proiectului.
Primarii localităţilor s. Popeasca dl Chiril COJOCARI, s. Talmaza Ion URSU, s. Cioburciu Dmitri Wissotzky
11.00 – 11.20
Experienţa gospodăriilor ţărăneşti, relizări şi perspective
Preşedinţii Gospodăriilor ţărăneşti Dna Marfa Slisarenco, dl. Vasile Ciobanu, dl. Valerii Moga
Importanţa conlucrării între APL şi implementatorii proiectului
Dl Nicolae GROSU, Preşedintele ONG „Renaşterea”, s. Talmaza
11.20 – 11.40
Discuţii pe marginea informaţiilor prezentate; Concluziile şi paşii următori; Recomandări; Finalizarea evenimentului
11.40 – 12.40
Pauza de masă
Vizitarea pepenierei silvice din s. Popeasca

Donație pentru 10 instituții de învățîmînt din raion cîte un complet de ierbare, cutii entomologice și cîte trei banere diferite pentru fiecare.

Vizitarea pepenierei silvice din s. Popeasca, raionul Ştefan Vodă.

Mulţumim donatorului pentru susţinere şi primarilor împreună cu executorii pentru rezultatele obţinute în cadrul proiectului.

marți, 19 august 2014



Study tour to Estonia
August 9-16, 2014


Saturday, 9.08 
14.05 Arrival of Belarus delegation, bus transfer from the airport to the Nordic hotel Forum Viru väljak 3
20.55 Arrival of Moldova delegation, bus transfer from the airport to the Nordic hotel Forum Viru väljak 3
19.00 Dinner in the hotel (Belarus delegation)
21.30 Dinner in the hotel (Moldova delegation) 

Sunday, 10.08 
9.00 Welcome to Estonia 
Introduction to the country, programme and participants (hotel conference room)
11.45 Walking tour in the old town  
13.30 Medieval lunch in Olde Hansa  
16.00 Bike trip to Kadriorg, seaside and song festival ground 
19.30 Light dinner

Monday, 11.08   
9.00 Meeting in the Ministry of the Environment  Narva mnt 7
Setting the frame. 
Overview of Estonian nature and environment, environmental management structure, Mr Ado Lõhmus, Deputy Secretary General
Environmental funding, Mr. Lauri Tammiste, Member of Board, Environmental Investment Centre 
Environmental education, Mrs. Marit Suurtväli, Head of the Bureau of Environmental Education 
Cooperation with and involvement of CSOs on environmental decision-making, Mrs. Kairi Toiger, Public Relation Specialist 
Emission trading schemes, Mr. Jörgen Talkop, Head of Climate and Radiation Department 

11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Meeting with Estonian Fund for Nature, partner of WWF in Estonia Ms. Silvia Lotman, Head of Executive Committee 
Overview of the organizational set up, mission, strategy, leadership, impact in society, themes and activities
Policy making
Nature protection
Working with volunteers
Green energy, etc
13.00 Lunch (in the hotel) and transportation to the Nature Museum 
14.30 Meeting with the Praxis Center for Policy Studies  Ms. Hille Hinsberg, Expert on Governance and Civil Society Programme
Praxis is independent non-profit think tank with the mission to improve and contribute to the policy-making process in Estonia by conducting research, providing strategic counsel to policy makers and fostering public debate. 
Overview of different good governing practices and public services
the People’s Assembly  
Government Watch  
Estonian state budget visualization 
State wide participation portal  
Third Sector Future Group Project

16.00 Coffee break and looking around in the museum
17.00 Meeting with the worldwide cleaning campaign/civil movement Let’s Do It 
This is the biggest civil movement in the world – contains 111 countries and 9 million volunteers. It all started from Estonia 2008. 
Ms. Meelika Hirmo, Head of Public Relations & Communication, and the team. 
Overview of the initiative, outreach, vision
Waste mapping device, etc

20.30 Dinner in Leib, Resto ja Aed  

Tuesday, 12.08
8.00 Leaving the hotel by bus
9.00 Hiking in Viru bog (3,5 km) with Ms. Anne Kurepalu, nature guide
11.45 Arriving to State Forest Management Centre (about the organisation: about the place 
55% of Estonian land is covered by the forest, State Forest Management Centre is managing 40% of this forest but also providing wide range of educational and recreational activities for citizens
Visiting Forest Museum and Sagadi Nature School, Ms. Krista Keedus, Head of the Sagadi Forest Centre and Ms. Asta Tuusti, environmental educator
Overview of the State Forest Management Centre and Sagadi Forest Centre
Network and ideas of environmental education and nature schools in Estonia

13.30 Lunch in Sagadi 
15.00 Visiting Oandu nature educational centre, Mrs. Tiina Neljandik, Head of the Oandu nature centre
Recreational activities and nature tracks in the state forests 

16.30 Arriving to Vihula manor 
17.30 Meeting with NENO - Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations  Ms. Maris Jõgeva, Executive Director (conference room Ursula) 
Overview of the role and influence of civil society in Estonia
Different actions, initiatives, trends, development and mentorship programs
Partnership, finances

20:30 Dinner, sauna, socializing

Wednesday, 13.08
9.00 Summer course on pre-selected topics – NENO, Ms. Maris Jõgeva and Mr. Urmo Kübar, Policy and participation expert (conference room Ursula)
Project-work as an opportunity to work on the mission

We don’t want CSOs and the decisions made in the organisation to be dependent on project competitions. At the same time project-based funding is a common source of income as well as an opportunity to get done what needs to be done. We share tips on how to match individual project proposals with the overall organizational strategy, working plan and budget and stop on what makes a regular proposal a well thought over project plan. We also discuss how to work with projects so that they will make sense and have results and how to assess the impact of what has been done. 

10:30 Coffee break

11.00 Work with members of the organisation and networks
It is often said that the members of the network (volunteers, donors, partners, beneficiaries, etc) are our greatest asset. As with other assets, it can also be wasted, not used, left alone or vice versa knowingly and cost effectively deployed and developed. The training will talk about how to achieve a mutually beneficial and constructive relationship, how to create the membership network, maintain and develop it, how to create a good corporate culture, share tasks and organize the flow of information which includes network members to the planning, decision-making and implementation activities of the organisation.
13.30 Lunch
15:00 Crowdsourcing

The concept comes from the private sector but it is essentially very characteristic for CSOs: to designate activities that have traditionally been performed by employees of the organisation to a wide range of public. Crowdsourcing is using voluntary work for creating solutions, it lacks specific authors, co-workers do not get paid, and as a return primarily an intellectual satisfaction is received. (For example, Wikipedia is put together using crowdsourcing.) The wisdom of crowds can also be used to achieve the objectives of the organization. The training will look at examples of co-creation and opportunities. We discuss the conditions in which the crowd collectively are wiser than its individual members separately, and to look at what motivates people to participate in such processes, and how to plan and carry out such process.

16.00 Coffee break

Board game on the organisational management choices

Players are divided into 6 different type of members/stakeholders of the organisation: employees, community members, donors, media, public sector. The game goes through one calendar year of the organization's activities: the management of the organisation starts with certain resources and goals, and must (preferably involving stakeholders) make a series of choices invoked either by stakeholders or by random occasions. Each choice leads to a new situation which either increases or decreases organizational resources (money, human capital and reputation) and will affect the ability to achieve the goals of the organisation. The game fits particularly well to the organizations who are working on their strategy.

19.00 Tour in the manor house with Mrs. Anne Kurepalu, nature guide
20.30 Dinner in Palmse tavern

Thursday, 14.08
9.00 Meeting with Environmental Law Centre  Ms. Kärt Vaarmari, lawyer (conference room Ursula) 
Environmental Law Centre monitors and analyzes the practice of making environmental decisions, and proposes solutions for its improvement.
Overview of the set-up of the centre and its activities
Participation campaigns, cases, practices, studies
Environmental law cases, litigations 
10:30 Coffee break
11.00 Meeting with the Bird Club of Tallinn, Mr. Meelis Uustal, Member of the Board 
Overview of the bird protection in Estonia 
Educational bird projects/initiatives
Participation in the establishment of the bird conservation area in Tallinn
12.30 Lunch 
13.30 Meeting with the Good Deed Foundation – Mrs. Maris Ojamuru, CEO 
Good Deed Foundation is venture philanthropy organisation concentrating on supporting high-impact social initiatives (both social enterprises and non-profits) and looks for projects and organisations that show the greatest potential to solve pressing problems in Estonian society. In order to build a base of future social entrepreneurs, they encourage the development of youths and spread the message of social entrepreneurship 
Overview of mission, set-up of the foundation
Introduction of key-topics and activities: 
Network of social innovation;
Social Impact Bond;
Portfolio on 2014

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Discussion roundtable on how to measure social impact of the activities of your organisation? – lead by Mrs. Anna Karolin, Portfolio Manager of Good Deed Foundation

18.00 Driving back to Tallinn, check-inn to Park Inn by Radisson Central 
20.00 Dinner in the hotel

Friday, 15.08
8.40 Bus transfer to Telliskivi Creative Campus 
9.00 Meeting with the competence centre Estonian Urban Lab (Linnalabor) and getting to know one of their initiatives Urban Idea - collaboration of Tallinn neighborhood associations  - Ms Teele Pehk, community expert in Urban Lab and the leader of the Urban Idea initiative, also an active member of the neighborhood association Telliskivi Selts
Urban Lab is a competence centre of urban thought and action. It advocates citizens to participate in shaping their living environment and educates on urban culture. The Urban Idea initiative brings local residents as experts of local life, and the representatives of the city government as decision makers, around the same table as equal partners.
Urban walk in Telliskivi Creative Campus – lead by Ms. Maria Derlõš 
Culture sector discovers and conquers forgotten spaces of the city. It seems that office is no longer just an office and our private lives and work are more connected. These tendencies are also expressed in urban space. The activity of Telliskivi Creative Campus has changed the former Baltic Railway factory area into a vibrant urban centre – there are 11 buildings on the territory with a total area of 25.000 m2 that now house a varied array of offices, cultural facilities, shops and bars. On the urban walk we will open doors of buildings, talk about the past of the industrial landscape and large industrial quarters near the city centre, but also look into the future. 
11.30 Bus transfer back to the hotel
12.00 Meeting with the Joint Funding Platform Ms. Eva Maimre
Crowdfunding platform where great ideas find support.
13.00 Lunch in the hotel
15.00 E-Estonia Showroom Lõõtsa street 2
Its purpose is to showcase the nation’s ICT solutions all in one facility, providing visitors with hands-on examples of what they are and how they work. Though it presents individual products, its main focus is offering integrated, holistic solutions. Showroom is a time machine where you can experience future.
17.00 Bus transfer back to the hotel
17.30 Summing up and evaluating the study tour, planning for future cooperation 
20.00 Dinner in Platz  

Saturday, 16.08
9.00 Check out of Moldova delegation
9.30 Leaving by bus to the airport. Plane departures at 11.15
12.00 Check out of Belarus delegation
16.00 Leaving by bus to the airport. Plane departures at 17.50

Study tour to Estonia
August 9-16, 2014

How it was.





It was perfect!

No comments.

Info note

Weather and clothing
After rather chilly June we have got very warm July-August! There has been heat wave for last three weeks, temperature between 28-33 C. It is expected that the weather will be the same at least till 10th of August. Please be aware that Northern sun is burningly hot (plus 30 feels hotter than you are used to in your country) and you need to put on UVB filter cream in order not to burn your skin.  
The sea temperature is around 25 degrees and in lakes even more! 
Please bring your swimming suit, we will have couple of opportunities to go swimming. In addition to the natural bathing you can enjoy a small cosy SPA on the roof of the Nordic Forum hotel with a good view to the city. 
For the hiking and biking purposes please take with you comfortable shoes.   
Central Tallinn is very compact and easy to get around. For example Tallinn Airport is just 15 min bus ride away from the Medieval Old Town. To reach the suburbs there are buses, trolley buses and tram-lines in place. Public transport operates between 6:00 and 23:00 (some lines operate until 24:00).   
Tallinn uses plastic smartcard - a plastic card which allows you to top up credit or buy different ticket types on it. You can still buy single journey regular paper tickets costing 1.60 Euros from the driver when entering public transportation. Have precise change for the driver if you want to buy a ticket.
It is EUR. There are exchange offices and banks where one could freely exchange Leu and Belarus Rubbles to EUR. Still it is advisable that you exchange your money in your home country beforehand.
There are many shopping centers, including Kaubamaja one minute walking distance from the Forum hotel. For purchasing credit card are acceptable everywhere.
Culture and sightseeing
There are plenty of different cultural events going on in the week you visit Estonia. In case you have some additional time to spend I suggest you to go to see following places. 
International Tallinn Flower Festival is designed to give participants the chance to design their own eye-catching gardens and to promote themselves in doing so. Visitors can marvel at their flights of fancy, discover the latest trends in garden art and follow the growth of the gardens from spring to autumn. Place: Old town wall, Tornide väljak, free of charge.
Seaplane harbour is the museum dedicated to big maritime objects – ships, seaplanes, submarines, boats. It has been nominated the best new museum in Europe of the 2012 (when it was opened), also got the Europa Nostra Grand Prix 2013. It has absolutely stunning interior and very interesting exhibition of big objects.
TV tower has been renovated few years ago, has very interesting set up and offers lots of interactive information about Estonia plus a great view up to Finland. 
Roof cinema in the next roof from Forum hotel, the programme